Thursday, August 7, 2014

1999-11-30 -- Yuck

Last night I had a dream that I was driving a big old black Lincoln Continental down this steep red dirt road covered with ski moguls. I was trying to navigate the car like I would ski on moguls (if I could, in fact, artfully ski over and around moguls).  But somehow I was able to make this enormous American car hop left and right between the bumps. The road got wider but it was still steep and the bumps were still there.  Now there were lots of people standing around and climbing up the side of a cliff above me. Something happened and I was also climbing.  But now we were climbing on a white stone parapet and there were water pipes and handles extending from the walls. There were lots of people crawling all over the surface of this cliff/castle like ants. We were all scrambling over the surface holding on to pipes and handles and crevices. It was a very long way down and I remember thinking that I would normally be much more frightened by the height.  I wasn't really too worried about anything but everyone else seemed consumed by some sort of Hieronymus Bosch-like anguish.  All of a sudden, I was inside the castle in some sort of dungeon.  There was a guy hanging from the ceiling by his wrists. Now, when I think back, I wonder if I, too, was hanging - I was at the same height above the ground. Anyway, this guy started spraying diarrhea all over the room. It was pretty gross.  That's when I woke up.

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